
Experimental Cell Research 319, 3, 1-11 (2013)
Characterization of RSF-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the Ras-association domain family protein 1


Hiroaki Iwasa, Hidehito Kuroyanagi, Sainawaer Maimaiti, Mitsunobu Ikeda, Kentaro Nakagawa, Yutaka Hata


Original Research Articles


Mammals have 10 RASSF proteins, which are characterized by the Ras-association (RA) domain. Among them, RASSF1 to RASSF6 have the Salvador/RASSF/Hippo (SARAH) domain and form the subclass C-terminal RASSF proteins. Drosophila genome has a single C-terminal RASSF, dRASSF. All these RASSF proteins are related to the tumor suppressive Hippo pathway, and are considered to function as tumor suppressors. Caenorhabditis elegans T24F1.3 encodes a protein with the RA and the SARAH domains. The amino acid sequences are 40% and 55% similar to those of RASSF1 in the RA and the SARAH domains, respectively. We have characterized T24F1.3 gene product and named it RSF-1 as RASSF1 homolog. RSF-1 is widely expressed in epithelial cells. About 14% rsf-1 mutants exhibit defects in embryonal morphogenesis and the actin disorganization. The combinatorial synthetic lethal analysis demonstrates that the lethality is enhanced to more than 80% in rsf-1 mutants with the WASP-family verprolin homologous protein complex-related gene depletions and corroborates the implication of RSF-1 in the regulation of actin cytoskeleton. In rsf-1 mutants, the structures of muscle actin are preserved, but the swimming ability is impaired. Although we could not detect the direct physical interaction of LET-60 with RSF-1, rsf-1 mutants suppress the multivulva phenotype of the active let-60 mutants, suggesting that rsf-1 genetically interacts with the Ras signaling.